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June 9th
1) Scales & Arpeggios (Quarter -count out loud please!) C-Scale - 3 Octaves C-Arpeggio (C, E, G) G-Scale (F#) - 2 Octaves G-Arpeggio (G, B, D) Em-Scale (F#) C# & D# up only - 2Oct Em-Arpeggio - (E, G, B) D-Scale (F#, C#) 3 Octave D-Arpeggio (D, F#, A) A-Scale (F#, C#, G#) - 2 Octaves A-Arpeggio (A, C#, E) E-Scale (F#, C#, G#, D#) - 2 Octaves E-Arpeggio (E, G#, B) B-Scale (F#, C#, G#, D#, A#) - 2 Octaves B-Arpeggio (B, D#, F#) _____________________________________________________________________
F-Scale (Bb) - 3 Octaves F-Arpeggio (F, A, C) Dm-Scale (Bb) B & C# up only 2 Oct Dm-Arpeggio - (D, F, A) Bb-Scale (Bb, Eb) - 2 Octaves Bb-Arpeggio (Bb, D, F) Eb-Scale (Bb, Eb, Ab) - 2 Octaves Eb-Arpeggio (Eb, G, Bb) Cm-Scale (Bb, Eb, Ab) A & B up only 2 Oct Cm-Arpeggio - (C, Eb, G) Ab-Scale (Bb, Eb, Ab, Db) -2 Octaves Ab-Arpeggio (Ab, C, Eb) Db-Scale (Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb) -2 Octaves Db-Arpeggio (Db, F, Ab) *C#-Scale (F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#, B#) Gb-Scale (Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb) -2 Octaves Gb-Arpeggio (Gb, Bb, Db) *F#-Scale (F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#)
1) 3rd & 5th Position Book - pg. 3
2) Muller Rusch - WEEK OFF
3) Suzuki Book 5 - Squire
- Keep closer to the balance point - Shorter bows in faster sections - When changing strings "think" raising the hand instead of the whole arm EVEN THOUGH the arm actually move -Location of the bow should be closer to the finger board
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