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Kariana R

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July 6th




1) Lesson Book -


2) Recital Book - WEEK OFF


3) Duet Book -


4) Theory Book -


5) Notespeller Book -


6) Scales & Arpeggios - Hands Together  (Start Lower)


C-Scale (no sharps)                                    C-Arpeggio  (C, E, G)

3-3-4-4-3-3  RH(1) LH(5)                            no 4th finger -RH(1) LH(5)

Am-Scale (no sharps                               Am-Arpeggio  (A, C, E)

3-3-4-4-3-3  RH(1) LH(5)                            no 4th finger -RH(1) LH(5)

G-Scale (F#)                                                G-Arpeggio  (G, B, D)

3-3-4-4-3-3  RH(1) LH(5)                            no 4th finger -RH(1) LH(5)

D-Scale (F#, C#)                                         D-Arpeggio  (D, F#, A)

3-3-4-4-3-3  RH(1) LH(5)                            no 4th finger -RH(1) LH(5)

A-Scale (F#, C#, G#)                                    A-Arpeggio  (A, C#, E)

3-3-4-4-3-3  RH(1) LH(5)                               no 4th finger -RH(1) LH(5)

E-Scale (F#, C#, G#, D#)                             E-Arpeggio  (E, G#, B)

3-3-4-4-3-3  RH(1) LH(5)                               no 4th finger -RH(1) LH(5)

B-Scale (F#, C#, G#, D#, A#) also Cb          B-Arpeggio  (B, D#, F#)

2 Black (3rd) & 3 black (4th) -RH(1) LH(4)    no 4th finger -RH(1) LH(5)

*Cb-Scale (Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb, Fb)

*when you get to the 2 white keys always go the lower one! 

F#-Scale (F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#) also Gb  F#-Arpeggio - (F#, A#, C#)

2 Black (3rd) & 3 black (4th) -RH(2) LH(4)     no 4th finger -RH(1) LH(5)

*when you get to the 2 white keys go lower then higher - they alternate!

*Gb-Scale (Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb, Cb)

 C# Scale (F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, E#, B#)      C#-Arpeggio - (C#, E#, G#)

2 Black (3rd) & 3 black (4th) RH(2) LH(3)      no 3rd or 5th -RH(4) LH(2)

*when you get to the 2 white keys always go the higher one! 

*Db-Scale (Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb)

F-Scale (Bb)                                                  F-Arpeggio - (F, A, C)

Groups of 2 (3rd) & 3 (4th) -RH(1) LH(5)      no 4th finger RH(1) LH(5)

Bb-Scale (Bb, Eb)                                       Bb-Arpeggio - (Bb, D, F)

4-4-3-3-4-4 then 3-3-4-4-3-3 -RH(4) LH(3)    no 4th or 5th RH(3) LH(3)

     *Also when one hand is on 3 the other is on 4 & vice versa


C#-Major Arpeggio- 2 octaves

Rule #1 - NO 3rd or 5th

Rule #2 - REMEMBER your 3 notes C#-E#-G#

    RH - 4(C#)-1(E#)-2(G#)-4(C#)-1(E#)-2(G#)-4(C#)

    LH - 2(C#)-1(E#)-4(G#)-2(C#)-1(E#)-4(G#)-2(C#) 




1) Major to Minor = Take the 3rd and lower it half step

2) Minor to Diminished = Take the 5th and lower it a half step (remember that third is already lowered because you are moving from a minor chord NOT a major chord)

3) Go back major

4) Major to Augmented = Take the 5th and raise it half step

5) Go back to Major






1) Breathing Properly:

  • Sit up straight: Roll up on the two bones in your tush & keep the back relaxed. Shoulders & neck relaxed

  • Deep breath with ALL the muscles around your chest, stomach, back. Everything expands out NOT up...

  • MAKE SURE to breath only with your mouth

2) Breathing Exercise: (metronome at 60bpm = beats per minute)

  • Over 4 counts take a deep breath (

  • HOLD the breath for 4 counts

  • Over the next 8 counts push the air through a VERY small opening by forming the the sound "ts".

  • REPEAT steps 1-3 then push out the air over 12 counts, then 16 counts.....(You were at 20 so far)

3) Anatomy of Singing

  • Tongue - helps me form words with vowels & consonant

  • Lungs - expands all around the stomach and back OUT not up

  • Vocal cords - controlled with other muscles and they almost neer touch

  • Soft pallet - it is a muscle that can go up and down. Yawning activates it going high and helps high notes

  • Epiglottis needs to get out the way 

  • Diaphragm - the dividing, inactive muscle, that separates lungs and heart from the rest of the organs. The muscles around the diaphragm help you sing. 

4) While singing our song practice breathing very deeply before each time you sing



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