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Cyle C

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August 30th


1) Please work on the piano exercises so you can warm up your own voice!


2) Breathing exercises:

  • Lightly stretch the trunk of the body! (i.e. ribs and back)

  • Ensure proper posture but slouching first and then rolling up on the butt bones and lining up the spine one vertebra on top of the other. Should feel very comfortable and stable.

  • Lightly stretch stretch the neck

  • "ts" expelling exercise:  purpose of this exercise is to stretch the lung tissue (we're warming up the body) & lightly stretch the body

  • Holding In exercise: purpose of this exercise to build muscles enabling them to keep air in longer and control how much air escape

2) Keep memorizing the song and where to breath


3) Flashcard memorization


4) Remind Bianca about how to sight sing.....


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